Chef Kerry Inc.

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Chef Kerry Becomes Bi-Coastal Cooking Competition Winner

May 17, 2013

Intercourse, PA- After 4 years of attempting to impress the fussypot culinarians of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country, Chef Kerry at long last managed to take home 1st Place in Kitchen Kettle Village's Rhubarb Dessert Contest.

Chef Kerry's winning entry: Rhubarb Cheesecake with Rhubarb Compote and Rhubarb Jelly Candies. If you're counting, that's rhubarbX3, which was good for a shiny blue ribbon and a gift certificate to KKV's canning kitchen gift shop and meat smokehaus. Can he pick up anything for anyone while he's out there? How about a nice Pennsylvania road apple? (warning: may be made entirely out of horse leavings)

Next time you're in Central Pennsylvania, we recommend a visit to Kitchen Kettle Village. While there, you can fill up on countless samples, feed and pet animals in their mini zoo, shake the hand of Yummie the Gingerbread Man, and take a horse and buggy ride.